Monday, December 31, 2007


Mummies: Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt ...Treasures from the British Museum

I checked out this exhibit at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana on Saturday. It's great... especially if you have a fascination with ancient Egypt like I do (I could just sit there all day poring over the hieroglyphs.) Exhibit is running until the end of March if you're going to be in town.

Also visited this exhibit:

GEMS! Colors of Light and Stone

which was a feast for the eyes. Michael Scott, the owner of the collection, is the first CEO of Apple and a resident of my former city, Los Altos.

Here comes the prediction?

So here's the thing about making predictions. There are two strategies you can use.

One strategy is to aim for having as high a success rate as you possibly can have. The best approach to use in that case is to take no risk in your predictions. Predict the obvious, and then voila, you'll be about 75% right. Actually, what's amazing is that when you try to predict only the completely obvious, you can still be 25% wrong.

The other strategy is to not worry about whether your predictions will be very accurate or not. Then at least you can try to say something interesting. On the other hand, since you're probably going to be wrong, "interesting but wrong" is not actually very useful.

Doesn't sound like a very winning game to me.

When I try to make predictions, I tend to predict that improbable things will happen, and then maybe one of them does, but the other ones all don't, so I look like I don't know what I'm talking about. So maybe I should try to mix them up a little more.

Are those enough caveats? OK. See, I don't have a lot to work with here. Here are some things that I think will happen in 2008:

- In the summer of 2008, there will be record hot days, which will be attributed by some to global warming.
- The Dow or NASDAQ will close above its 12/31/2007 closing level.
- Obligatory Presidential election predictions: Michael Bloomberg will not run for US President. No third-party candidate will capture more than 1.5% of the vote.
- I will buy a new car.

So I'm going with the "not too exciting" strategy. Let's see what happens.

More on the straw poll

This is the way the Republican version of the AOL straw poll looks right now. I don't put any faith in the absolute numbers here, but it is interesting to see how the regional support of the candidates looks so sharply defined.

Strolling around La Jolla earlier today

Right now (early afternoon) it is warm and sunny... this morning in La Jolla it was a bit hazy, but if that's my only complaint, I'm doing pretty well.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Change of style

It has been the practice on this site for links to other sites to pop up in a new window. I've been doing this primarily because it works well with the way I use my browser -- my browser is not maximized to use the full screen, so when I click on a link, it is convenient to have both a new window with the linked article in it, and the original page on the Western Syndicate that I was looking at.

This doesn't work well if your browser is maximized though. It's confusing. I don't have a way of knowing how many of my readers use their browser that way.

So this is what I'll do -- links will just act the default way from now on -- if you want them to pop up in a new window, you can use your standard browser mechanism for doing that, for example by right clicking on them and selecting the appropriate menu item to create a new window. That way I am not violating your default expectations about how a browser works.

Let me know if you liked it better the other way.

Changes the world

I don't know if "the story changes the world", but this article in the LA Times gives evidence that the economy of China is not as large as we thought it was. Interesting.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Feeling insightful?

Any predictions for 2008?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Straw poll

Here's the AOL straw poll web site for the Presidential contest. The results so far are interesting, and it's also a pretty good Flash widget if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Some news video of the tiger attacks in San Francisco this evening here.

(more)Yahoo reports this with the headline "Tiger kills man at San Francisco zoo". Apparently "Man kills tiger at San Francisco zoo" also. I think man still has the upper hand.

Merry Christmas

Hope you had a nice Christmas today -- mine was so nice that I forgot to post here!

We'll be back in "business" later this week...

Monday, December 24, 2007


Some urban exploration. Here's the (still) abandoned old Sun HQ building down San Antonio Road from my old house. (No, I didn't shoot these photos. I've never been in there.)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Have you been tested?

What will Hillary do about this latest health care crisis?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rudy Giuliani Visits Missouri

In the interests of giving equal time to the other candidates, check out this video of Rudy Giuliani's visit to Missouri.

No I don't, but this is interesting

Got fleas? Get the vacuum

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vacuum cleaners kill fleas just as well as any poison, surprised U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.

They said a standard vacuum cleaner abuses the fleas so much it kills 96 percent of adult fleas and 100 percent of younger fleas.

So no need to worry that a vacuum cleaner bag may turn into a fleabag breeding ground for the pesky, biting creatures, said Glen Needham, associate professor of entomology at Ohio State University.

(more here at the original article)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Quick show of hands

How many people think this is the best debate answer they've seen in a long time? (from Ann Althouse)

Just think, a few months ago I promised that I wasn't going to fill this blog up with politics. Am I being sucked into this campaign stuff in spite of myself?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ron who?

Ron Paul did great in my local straw poll last week.
There will be plenty of head scratching, and more than a little disbelief, if Republican voting in Iowa and New Hampshire mirrors a recent straw poll conducted by the Republican Party of San Diego County.

Top vote-getter: Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with 37% (117 votes). No big surprise there, though he was in a distant second place in a California Field Poll in August behind Giuliani.

Second place: Texas Rep. Ron Paul, 23 percent (73 votes). No, that's not a typo. And that may be a surprise to some of you, but given the number and intensity of questions from Paul's supporters during weekly Union-Tribune online political chats, no surprise here. Okay, we were a little surprised.

The full article is here: Straw men (San Diego Union-Tribune)


More seasonal quotes from G.K. Chesterton.
A TURKEY is more occult and awful than all the angels and archangels. In so far as God has partly revealed to us an angelic world, He has partly told us what an angel means. But God has never told us what a turkey means. And if you go and stare at a live turkey for an hour or two, you will find by the end of it that the enigma has rather increased than diminished.

'All Things Considered.'

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Ron Paul Phenomenon

While I'm in a mood to be passing out videos today, here's a great video about the Ron Paul campaign (visit that link, then click on the "PREVIEW" link on the right side of the page) -- the full program can be viewed on your PBS station later this week, check your local listings.

If you like Wall Street

and you like Family Guy...


Human Felicity is produced not so much by great Pieces of good Fortune that seldom happen, as by little Advantages that occur every Day.

--Benjamin Franklin (Autobiography, 1771)

Sunday, December 09, 2007


... maps. Strange maps, that is -- a really fun web site to browse through.

Good language

Here is an interesting article from Inside HIgher Ed about enrollments in language classes at U.S. Colleges. Spanish is still the most popular language taught in America. American Sign Language is growing rapidly. I was pleased to see how well Latin is placed in the rankings, too.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Here's a seasonal one

Christmas ads have already been around for months -- getting tired of it yet?

ALL the old wholesome customs in connexion with Christmas were to the effect that one should not touch or see or know or speak of something before the actual coming of Christmas Day. Thus, for instance, children were never given their presents until the actual coming of the appointed hour. The presents were kept tied up in brown-paper parcels, out of which an arm of a doll or the leg of a donkey sometimes accidentally stuck. I wish this principle were adopted in respect of modern Christmas ceremonies and publications. The editors of the magazines bring out their Christmas numbers so long before the time that the reader is more likely to be lamenting for the turkey of last year than to have seriously settled down to a solid anticipation of the turkey which is to come. Christmas numbers of magazines ought to be tied up in brown paper and kept for Christmas Day. On consideration, I should favour the editors being tied up in brown paper. Whether the leg or arm of an editor should ever be allowed to protrude I leave to individual choice.

'All Things Considered.'

To quote or not to quote

You all are going to be subjected to the fact that I dug up a list of Chesterton quotes, and as long as I have a fascination with them I will probably be posting them here. Actually I have squirreled away lots of lists of quotes, but I have been able to contain myself so far.

Maybe I should bring back the Quote of the Day from years past.

WE had talked for about half an hour about politics and God; for men always talk about the most important things to total strangers. It is because in the total stranger we perceive man himself; the image of God is not disguised by resemblances to an uncle or doubts of the wisdom of a moustache.

'The Club of Queer Trades.'

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Someone's in trouble

toothpaste for dinner

The moving walkway is ending. Please look down.

Here's an article over at the Holy Whapping about the Pope's new wheels. However, I link to it because I am really digging this idea for some reason:

Somehow, I'm reminded of our plans for the Vatican's airport, complete with deacons chanting "Ite, Missa Est" at the ends of the moving walkways.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

What is happening to journalism?

No photos??? The Daily Telegraph actually posted this story with no photos.
A SAUCY lingerie compary asked its female office staff to turn up in their undies for a day - and almost all of them actually did.

Taiwan's Audrey Underwear decided to celebrate record sales by naming November 21 Camisole Day.

More: Don't say The Western Syndicate doesn't deliver. TrendHunter did more justice to the same story here.

I'm just letting the ideas come to me from now on

I come up with all these business ideas that are hard to do, and here's a woman who accidentally started a business telling tumbleweeds when she was trying to teach herself HTML back in 1994. I'm not going to try so hard anymore.

(Link is from Yahoo News People of the Web -- it has video and sound.)

Fooled by Randomness

I am currently reading this -- it is an excellent book, and you will never look at markets the same way again. This is particularly interesting to me because of my ongoing work with online marketplaces.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

Good job from a Reuters reporter today...

Trying to duck the mob of photographers and reporters, Gore with his wife, Tipper, dashed across the street into an office building. "Don't report that we jay-walked," he said as they crossed in the middle of the block through traffic.

Friday, November 23, 2007

How dangerous is radiation?

This is the most startling thing I've read in a while.

Is Atomic Radiation as Dangerous as We Thought?
A mounting number of studies are coming to some surprising conclusions about the dangers of nuclear radiation. It might not be as deadly as is widely believed.

(Spiegel Online)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Giant snails

Giant snails are overrunning Brazil. These are almost 8 inches long. I have enough trouble with the small snails, I can't imagine a back yard full of these things.

Friday, November 09, 2007

It's a trap

Soccer not allowed

I got this from StumbleUpon, which is not a particularly useful site to me since they require me to install a browser toolbar that I refuse to install. So the most I can do is browse their list of web sites...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Monday, November 05, 2007

Webcam of the day

Live view of the traffic at my local dump. This is truly the application that Al Gore invented the Internet for.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bidding war

Earth to BEA management:

You can't have a bidding war when there's only one bidder.

BEA management may have blown it

Monday, October 29, 2007

That palm tree's not looking too happy


This is another of those "I almost lived a block away from there" stories, which are making me feel more and more lucky that I moved to this house instead of one of the other choices, which also included this lovely location in La Jolla.

Rancho Santa Fe, off La Soldadera. The entire canyon all the way down Del Dios Highway to here pretty much looks like the moon, for miles.

Use one of these solutions

My favorite use of sarcastic quotation marks today comes from Apple. (If you're about to install Leopard, it is actually good to check whether you're affected by this now, and save yourself some grief. I already uninstalled APE from my machine.)
You may have third-party "enhancement" software installed that does not work with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Use one of these solutions.

Full article is here: Mac OS X 10.5: "Blue screen" appears after installing Leopard and restarting

Siracusa on Leopard

John Siracusa's extremely detailed review of Mac OS X Leopard is out. Whether you agree with him or not, there's certainly a lot to think about in here. I haven't actually gotten my copy yet, although I'm expecting to install it this week. (And after reading his review, I have this odd combination of enthusiasm about trying it out, and desire to wait for a year or so to see if they fix any of the new problems -- not sure what to do with that... )

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Just wow.

I don't know what to say about this. Wow.
RELEASE No. 20071026-01
October 26, 2007

Iraqi Army at Besmaya Installation Support San Diego Fire Victims
By U.S. Army Sgt 1st Class Charlene Sipperly
Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq Public Affairs

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Members of the Iraqi Army in Besmaya collected a donation for the San Diego, Calif., fire victims Thursday night at the Besmaya Range Complex in a moving ceremony to support Besmaya's San Diego residents.

Iraqi Army Col. Abbass, the commander of the complex, presented a gift of $1,000 to U.S. Army Col. Darel Maxfield, Besmaya Range Complex officer in charge, Multi-National Security Transition Command Iraq, to send to the fire victims in California.

The money was collected from Iraqi officers and enlisted soldiers in Besmaya. In a speech given during the presentation, Col. Abbass stated that he and the Iraqi soldiers were connected with the American people in many ways, and they will not forget the help that the American government has given the Iraqi people. Abbass was honored to participate by sending a simple fund of $1,000 to the American people in San Diego, to lower the suffering felt by the tragedy.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Roman tribunes never tried this one

Governor creates a 3.86% tax increase out of thin air that was never passed by the legislature -- by using his veto pen.

'Frankenstein veto' debate gets new life
Madison - Gov. Jim Doyle's use of his veto power to kill specific words and numbers, and then stitch the remaining fragments together to create something that never passed the Legislature, rekindled the Capitol fight over what has come to be known as "Frankenstein veto" authority - and whether it should be repealed.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yeah, there will be some of this

Everything's pretty covered with ashes here...

San Diego County officials offer this advice on cleanup:

As some residents are allowed back into their homes and neighborhoods, there are several precautions they should take as they begin the task of cleaning up:

· Avoid disseminating ash into the air; do not use leaf blowers or non-HEPA filter vacuums.

· The Regional Water Control Quality Board asks that you avoid washing ash into storm drains if possible.

· Wear gloves, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants to avoid skin contact.

· If you do get ash on your skin, wash it off as soon as possible.

· Wear well-fitting dust masks; those rated N-95 or P-100 provide better protection than simple dust or surgical masks. Persons with heart or lung disease should consult a physician before using a mask.

· Lightly mist indoor and outdoor hard surfaces before gently sweeping ash, followed by wet mopping. On lightly dusted areas, a damp cloth or wet mop may be all that is needed.

· Collected ash may be disposed of in your regular trash collection. Ash may be stored in plastic bags or other containers that will prevent it from being disturbed.


Things are more "normal" here today.  The evacuation order for this neighborhood was lifted this morning.  The weather looks better, I can open the windows to the house again.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Currently back at my house (although it's still under mandatory evacuation, so I'm not supposed to be.)  Will see how things go...  I've got a "just in case" hotel reservation at the same place I stayed last night in Oceanside.

Monday, October 22, 2007

More fire info

Planning to evacuate, just in case

Currently planning to get out of here this afternoon, we're inside the evacuation zone in San Diego, so we really shouldn't be here.

We're on the very west edge close to the ocean, but the fire is being unpredictable and moving fast. Already have a motel reservation made, etc.

Here's a map of what's going on with the fire... We're in the yellow zone.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Phrases you don't like to hear

"This fire is 0 percent contained." (The mayor of Malibu, talking about the fire up there.)

Witch Creek fire

Looks like sunset at my house, at 3 pm. Big wildfire up the road from here.

Witch Creek Fire burns 3,000 acres near Ramona

3:17 p.m. October 21, 2007
RAMONA – The 78 Fire has burned 3,000 acres between Ramona and Santa Ysabel. Many homes near Witch Creek and San Diego Country Estates have been evacuated to Poway High School on Espola Road at Titan Way, county emergency said.
Cal Fire Battalion Chief Kelly Zombro said he's notified the cities of Ramona, Escondido, Poway and San Diego that the fire is headed their way.

“It's just like the Cedar fire. It was just like the Cedar fire right off the bat,” he said.

Zombro said the fire is burning in a swathe of land untouched by the Cedar and Paradise fires of 2003. It is north of where the Cedar burned and south of where Paradise burned and headed toward Ramona.

“We're right in-between the two,” he said.

Zombro also said attacking the fire by air is on hold because the wind is gusting up to 60 miles per hour.

It was not clear at 3 p.m. whether any homes had been damaged by the 78 fire, which started near Witch Creek at about 12:40 p.m., a sheriff's spokesman said.

A brush fire broke out today in Witch Creek, a rural community several miles west of Santa Ysabel on state Route 78, Cal Fire officials said.

The blaze was reported about 12:30 p.m. and had spread to more than 100 acres on both sides of Route 78 by 1:40 p.m.

Residents of homes near Witch Creek were being ordered to evacuate and the cause of the fire was being investigated.

Residents as far away as Rancho Penasquitos and Carmel Valley reported the air was thick with smoke and ash was raining from the sky.

County officials have begun posting fire updates for the public at

Residents were being asked to call 211 for all non-emergency calls related to this fire. If the call is initiated from a cell phone, 211 can be reached at 858-300-1211.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Donation Statistics and Stuff

Here are some interesting graphs about the Ron Paul campaign. I just find the graphs colorful and mesmerizing for some reason. Data visualization is your friend.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

My house doesn't have any of this

Fungi in Chernobyl that feed on radiation, apparently.

My house doesn't really look like this though

An amusing toy for you to play with. Go to the web site and build your own house.

Click here to view my house

The results I got were:

Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:

Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. Your life is always full of changes.

You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.

You are not a romantic person by nature. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The 5 million dollar man

Ron Paul raised a truckload of money in the last quarter. And you can be sure these are donations from individuals, not the big professional political donor types.

I'm not sliding

I almost rented a house on this exact block of Soledad Mountain Road. Good thing I didn't. I thought that house looked awfully precariously balanced.
A landslide swept away a chunk of an upscale hilltop neighborhood Wednesday, destroying a home, damaging five others and opening up a 50-yard chasm in a four-lane road. There were no injuries, but at least 110 homes were evacuated by Wednesday afternoon.

Be a part of it

This is kind of a San Diego inside joke, and probably the best use of this statue to date.

Friday, September 28, 2007

This means war

Brain-eating amoeba kills six in U.S. lakes
PHOENIX - It sounds like science fiction but it's true: A killer amoeba living in lakes enters the body through the nose and attacks the brain where it feeds until you die.

Take a minute to not destroy the world

I'm a couple of days late on this one (was out of town in the Bay Area the last couple of days).

9/26 is Petrov Day. On 9/26/1983, Stanislav Yavgrafovich Petrov kept the world as we know it from being destroyed. A story that many people are not familiar with and it's worth reading.

Do people still read any of these?

Good overview of America's major newspapers.


A good analysis of the current credit mess, at MSN money.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Ron Paul File

I added a link on the right side to The Ron Paul File, a clearinghouse for all the information available about the man, as far as I can tell. Check it out.

Don't see so much of this in America

It's things like this that make us love Japan.
Since the credit crisis started shaking the world financial markets this summer, many professional traders have taken big losses. Another, less likely group of investors has, too: middle-class Japanese homemakers who moonlight as amateur currency speculators.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

He's rolling over in his grave...

... probably saying "Let me out! I'm not dead!!" Scott McNealy, according to John Gruber.

Once he gets out he's going to be angry that Sun is going to be shipping Windows systems.

Things we are not hearing a lot about II

Here's another story that's not getting a lot of airtime -- what can only be described as terrorist attacks in Mexico against industrial targets. You would think this would get more coverage not only because Mexico's business is our business, but there are significant implications to the economy from this.

Things we are not hearing a lot about I

Other things from Ynetnews -- this story appeared today but is getting scant coverage in the US press, at least so far. Report: Israel spots nuclear installations in Syria. Note that North Korea issued an angry condemnation of Israel's action.

The Six Day War

This description of the Six Day War (from Israel's point of view, at least) is good reading. Many analogies with today -- in fact, nothing really changes.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Checked exceptions

Java programmers might be interested. Here is an article interviewing Bruce Eckel about the pitfalls of checked exceptions. Personally, I like checked exceptions -- while Eckel argues that the API designer is unnecessarily putting handcuffs on the API user, I think that's the nature of what an API designer does anyway -- he specifies how you have to use the interface, in detail, and that's what you have to do if you want to use his interface. It would be nice if I could leave arguments out and change the calls around to be more convenient in my code, but I'm not allowed to.

Perhaps I've just read too much production code in my career that had almost no error checking.

Have a smile

Did you notice that Coca-Cola's graphics have changed?

Friday, August 24, 2007

Sentient Fedex planes

Cool. Fedex planes avoiding a thunderstorm in Memphis. (This item has sound.)

FedEx Planes Dodging Storm - Watch more free videos

Monday, August 20, 2007

Oh, so that's who Joe Average is

Over the weekend I read this article in Der Spiegel about the current economic difficulties and saw this quote:

The leftist Berliner Zeitung writes:

"The current mini-crash is a painful sign of what the companies constructed of air and the extremely convoluted financial constructions are capable of. Whether this gambling pays off will all depend on more down-to-earth economics: If Joe Average in the USA can't pay his mortgage, we're all screwed."

That got me wondering, that was translated from German. How did they get "Joe Average"? Not to mention, how did they get "we're all screwed"?

The original from the Berliner Zeitung is here:

Wenn Otto Normalverbraucher, der in den USA Joe Average heißt, seine Hypothek nicht mehr bedienen kann, gehen alle baden.

That's Otto Normal Consumer, who we are informed "is called Joe Average in the USA". And rather than being screwed, everything is going in the bath for us.

Thank goodness

Best sarcastic line of the day. Did anyone besides me think that the last thing the economy needed was to make it more likely that people would never be able to get out from under their debts?

Speaking of not-rich people, thank goodness we've restricted personal bankruptcy so that all these subprime mortgage defaults can generate a robust system of economic slavery. People had felt in control of their lives for far too long.

We're now going to reap the benefits of this attitude.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Giving back

From time to time I like to use this space to evangelize understanding of economics -- because the average person's understanding of economics is woefully inaccurate, they are easily swayed by political arguments that actually don't make any sense.

Walter Williams is better at explaining economics than anyone I've ever seen, even though you might get angry when he's contradicting your preconceived notions. This is an excellent explanation of how money works and why some people have more than others.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Sunflowers are living it up at night too. This is from summer 2005.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Linspire CEO Removed After His Letters Posted To Western Syndicate

After we posted letters from Linspire CEO Kevin Carmony about Oracle support and Linux philosophy, he seems to be out of his job at Linspire. Coincidence?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

While we're on the Nazi thing

In case you were wondering what music Hitler listened to after a particularly stressful day in the office: Hitler's Record Collection Surfaces in Moscow

Monday, August 06, 2007

Not that! Anything but that!

"Police chiefs in the Thai capital, Bangkok, have come up with a new way of punishing officers who break the rules - an eye-catching Hello Kitty armband."

Ban on Politics is over

I've added the banner for the Ron Paul meetup group on the right side -- you should check it out, and join your local version of it if you're in the US and you're interested. There are groups all over the country.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

How the Germans Conquered World Travel

Here are some interesting tourist brochures from the Nazi era. As the article says, "Nazis, of course, didn't think of themselves as monsters." (Spiegel Online)

Friday, August 03, 2007

Maybe I will start a Quote of the Day series

"You lose your awe of government fast living in the Washington, D.C. area. Like when the guy in your neighborhood who is supposed to anticipate Bin Laden's next move backs into his neighbor's car, across the street, two days in a row."

John J. Simmins | 08.03.07 - 1:17 pm |

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Favorite quote of the day

This article contains my favorite quote of the day, or probably the week. From Megan at Asymmetrical Information:

But I did not laugh. I was raised to laugh at people behind their backs. It's called "manners".

George Bush is bad. Tee hee hee.

Google Ads has decided to advertise "humorous anti-Bush stuff" on this site. OK. You know all that ranting I do about George Bush...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

You can get It on eBay

No matter what It is. This is an old one, but not surprising. Of course if eBay's not actually giving money to Google anymore because they're annoyed about Google Checkout, then they will have to find some way to promote their sales of dead people.

Buy Steve Irwin dead on eBay! (The Register)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

No comment

I have disabled comments on the blog -- if you want to make comments please email me directly, and I will be glad to mention them here.

Friday, July 20, 2007

More from Linspire: Oracle support

I liked this one, although it's a bit dated: "Oracle Support," an Oxymoron"
Actually, I'm sure that's what started this process...Red Hat acquiring JBoss. This upset Larry Ellison, so he's stomping his feet, but the gun he chose to fire back with, "Oracle support," doesn't have any bullets. Threatening Red Hat using Oracle's support is like bringing a water pistol to a gun fight.

CEO of Linspire talks about Linux philosophy

in a letter here entitled "Is Linux Splitting into Two Factions?"

However, looks like Kevin didn't do the CVS merge of his letter properly:

I would pay money

I would pay money to find out which vendor said this.

"We need to stifle creativity in the open source community to get control of standards..."

I am running into some open source "issues" today. The open source solutions tend to be simpler and better. However, they tend to also only be 70% solutions to the business requirement, at which point the developers get bored and move on to something else. This is exactly why companies like Microsoft actually dominate the market instead of open source solutions.

If open source was so great, we would have a functional open source replacement for Microsoft Exchange right now that could be dropped in and used by an average administrator. We don't have one. It's been ten years since I started looking at that issue, but went on to another business opportunity assuming that the Exchange-replacement one would be an obvious one that would be done by half a dozen people who were more qualified than I. Boy was I wrong. This is another one of those ideas I've had that I've ended up kicking myself about years later. That's food for another post later on, though.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Events in Pakistan getting more interesting

While everyone in America is obsessing about Iraq, I have a suspicion that the real news is happening somewhere else entirely.
Pro-Taleban militants in Pakistan's North Waziristan region say they have ended their truce with the government.

In a statement issued in Miranshah, the main town, the militants accused the government of breaking the agreement.

It came as Pakistan deployed more troops in the area, fearing "holy war" after the storming of the militant Red Mosque last week left 102 dead.

If there is open warfare between Musharraf's government and the Taliban guys, it means that he's no longer defending Al-Qaeda if they have been hiding out in his country.

(BBC news)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

Ban on politics

My ban on politics is about to end a little earlier than I expected.

Well, if they were spying they deserve it

Iranians arrest 14 squirrels for spying
Iranian intelligence operatives recently detained over a dozen squirrels found within the nation's borders, claiming the rodents were serving as spies for Western powers determined to undermine the Islamic Republic.


The world is not as simple as you think

From earlier this week -- I didn't see this mentioned anywhere else: Al-Qaeda in Iraq threatens to declare war on Iran if they don't stop interfering in Iraq.
"We are giving the Persians, and especially the rulers of Iran, a two month period to end all kinds of support for the Iraqi Shiite government and to stop direct and indirect intervention ... otherwise a severe war is waiting for you," he said in the 50-minute audiotape.

(Al Bawaba)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The era of cheap food is over

I think that we're in for a period of sustained price inflation for food. Or at least, that's apparently what I think.
Mark Hill, food and agriculture partner at the firm, warned that rising demand for wheat and maize was bound to result in increases in the price of staple foods for British consumers.

In all seriousness, on this one I agree with Fidel Castro (and that, really, never happens.) We should be using food to feed people, and other things to generate power. It is ridiculous to starve the poor in the world so that we can run our cars cheaper.
(Telegraph UK)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

I can't beat the title on this one either

It's a stick-up
Police are on the hunt for a man who robbed a New Hampshire bank on Saturday disguised as a tree ...
(Tim Blair)

Wait a minute... *I*'m doing things!

Latest terror from the UK government -- Look out for people doing things (Power Line)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

New books

redchilimerchandise is back on line with some more books for sale. Check the store out and see if there's anything you're interested in. Thanks for your continued support.

Safari 3.0.2

I was getting so frustrated with Safari 3.0 that I was just about ready to roll back to the production version (2). But I decided to download the Safari 3.0.2 update first and see if it was any better.

It's somewhat better, the really egregious bug that was keeping Gmail message submission from working is much less frequent (although I still see it from time to time, I'm not sure if they really did anything to fix it or I'm just getting luckier.)

Happy Independence Day!

What to do today -- the weather forecast says we are in a super severe heat wave, but with my nice ocean breezes here it's more like 70 to 80 degrees outside. I could get used to this.

I will be on a mission a few yards away from the Mexican border later today. No, I will not be building a tunnel.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Which Cable?

This is aesthetically pleasing to me. I am not sure why the yellow cables are not labeled.

(Worse Than Failure)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Dr. Ron Paul vs. the Loch Ness Monster

This doesn't really violate my ban on politics.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I deny that I do this

Bob sends along The Truth About Programmers, a film he made in 1990 which contains eternal truths about the software industry, including the fact that I still have a beard like that.

More Safari strangeness

I am experiencing this strange apparent bug in Safari 3 with Gmail -- when I click on "send" to submit a message, most of the time the page will just hang. If I hit the stop button and press "send" again, it will go through. This is very consistent.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bad horse experience

This reminds me of me. Well, sort of. Except for the "impure of spirit" part. Well, sort of.

Married To The Sea

Going on a Safari... beta

Upgraded my Mac to Safari 3 Beta. Best features so far:

Having rich text editing in the browser is a big plus -- IE and Firefox have already had this for a long time. Makes Gmail and Blogger easier for starters.

Being able to run Safari on Windows is great. I've always wanted that. Safari is the only browser I like anyway and now it makes my Windows experience more pleasant.

That being said -- if you try it out, remember that the Windows version is still a beta test version, and there are a few rough spots (saw at least one crash and a couple of oddities, although nothing that keeps me from using it as my main browser.) I'm sure it will be more stable when the final release comes out.

What exactly happened ... ?

Blogger was down for a couple of days, but mysteriously the Blogger Status page says nothing (well, as of the time I'm posting this.)

Mysterious. Suppose people will be unhappy?

Friday, May 25, 2007

Domino pool

How to sink 70 balls in one shot

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tracking the price of gas?

If you're interested in the price of gas, and oil, and why gas is so expensive right now, go right to the data about the industry and investigate for yourself: This Week In Petroleum, from the U.S. Department of Energy. Lots of charts and graphs, and analysis.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


"Every man is proud of what he does well; and no man is proud of what he does not do well. With the former, his heart is in his work; and he will do twice as much of it with less fatigue. The latter performs a little imperfectly, looks at it in disgust, turns from it, and imagines himself exceedingly tired. The little he has done, comes to nothing, for want of finishing."

-- Abraham Lincoln
Source: September 30, 1859 - Address before the Wisconsin State
Agricultural Society

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What's wrong with me?

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Visioning

You are very insightful and tend to make decisions based on your insights.

You focus on how things should be - even if you haven't worked out the details.

An idealist, thinking of the future helps you guide your path.

You tend to give others long-term direction and momentum.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Back Up

I just spent all day fighting a power outage that happened in our colocation facility. We managed to get all the machines back up and running correctly, except for one. The one that was just going on 1000 days of uninterrupted uptime, by the way, spoiled by Abovenet/DataPipe's interruptible Uninterruptible Power Supplies.

We lost a disk and some RAM from that system, and /usr/local/bin disappeared, and... it's a mess, pretty close to destroyed. The hero of the day is Allen, a friend of the company, who made a very long drive down to San Jose to help us out of a tough spot.

Anyway we did have backups of the data, I have moved the web site over to another machine, and the couple of mail accounts that are still stuck on there will be moved someplace else tomorrow, and then we can abandon that heap of junk to Abovenet/DataPipe when I abandon their facility sometime in the near future.

So that is a somewhat happy story, despite the loss of one day of my life. Here is what happens when you don't have good backups:

Business magazine fails to heed its own tech advice

NEW YORK: Business 2.0, the technology-aware magazine published by Time, periodically reminds readers of the importance of backing up computer files. A 2003 article likened backups to flossing - everyone knows it's important, but few devote enough thought or energy to it.

Last week, Business 2.0 got caught forgetting to floss.

On the night of Monday, April 23, the magazine's editorial system crashed, wiping out all the work that had been done for its June issue. The backup server failed to back up.

(International Herald Tribune)

Mysterious Linux boot message

paride: aten registered as protocol 0

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I knew it! I knew it!

A campaign to expose the truth of 4/29

Saturday, April 14, 2007

It is Too Early

I have to agree with the Anchoress. It is too early to talk about a Presidential election that is two years off. I think it is unhealthy for the republic to be in a permanent election campaign.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

I could get into politics this way

Even Unopposed, Candidate Gets No Votes
MISSOURI CITY, Mo. (AP) - Joe Selle didn't exactly get voted out office this week, but he wasn't re-elected, either.
Selle, who was running unopposed for City Council, didn't get any votes at all. Not even one from himself.(more)


Hamburgers, That's How
Non-native presenting for speech class: Everyone has cows in their life. Cows at home. Cows at work. Cows in our families. Cows can take over everything. But how do we get rid of the cows?
Teacher: Chaos. It's pronounced 'chaos.'

Truman College
Chicago, Illinois

via Overheard Everywhere, Apr 4, 2007

Sunday, April 01, 2007

America's Financial Founder

Another good article up on Supply-Side Forum, this one about Alexander Hamilton.

My favorite quote is:

The end of fighting was only the beginning of the struggle of the new country, faced with a worthless currency and dismal credit rating. John Witherspoon, President of the College of New Jersey, later Princeton, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence, described it well: “For two or three years we constantly saw and were informed of creditors running away from their debtors, and the debtors pursuing them in triumph, and paying them without mercy.”

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The theology here is innovative

Wednesday One-Liners Throw Their Pennies Down the Well

Hipster: ... So he said, 'I wish Jesus was alive now. I'd invite him to join and I'd force him to be my friend.'

--Q train crossing the East River

Overheard by: Beth Smith

via Overheard in New York, Mar 21, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Want a fig

This one too.

"Nothing great is produced suddenly, since not even the grape or the fig is. If you say to me now that you want a fig, I will answer to you that it requires time: let it flower first, then put forth fruit, and then ripen."

Notes from Epictetus

This first one probably sounds familiar.

"We must be afraid of neither poverty nor exile nor imprisonment; of fear itself only should we be afraid."

Also this one was resonating with me, although I'm not angry at anyone right now.

"Whenever you are angry, be assured that it is not only a present evil, but that you have increased a habit."


"A warlike nation like the Germans, without either cities, letters, arts, or money, found some compensation for this savage state in the enjoyment of liberty. Their poverty secured their freedom, since our desires and our possessions are the strongest fetters of despotism."

-- Edward Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 9

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

Ignore everybody

"Ignore everybody. The more original your idea is, the less good advice other people will be able to give you."
–Hugh Macleod

Ten years since Heaven's Gate

I remember walking around the neighborhood in Los Altos every night seeing the comet in the sky.

Ten years later I live a few miles away from this place, which gives it an extra creepy vibe:

Heaven's Gate Revisited

(San Diego Union-Tribune)

I enjoy Jessica's index cards


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Perfect snow doughnuts

A rare treat from nature: Perfect snow doughnuts

"This is no joke. We did not build it," said Mike Stanford, an avalanche-control expert with the state Department of Transportation (WSDOT). "They are a natural occurrence in nature."

(Seattle Times)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The one-weaponed man

"A MAN must be partly a one-idead man because he is a one-weaponed man -- and he is flung naked into the fight. In short, he must (as the books on Success say) give 'his best'; and what a small part of a man 'his best ' is! His second and third best are often much better. If he is the first violin he must fiddle for life; he must not remember that he is a fine fourth bagpipe, a fair fifteenth billiard-cue, a foil, a fountain-pen, a hand at whist, a gun, and an image of God."

- G. K. Chesterton, "What's Wrong with the World"

Saturday, March 03, 2007

U 2

Unpack, I meant. I haven't made a lot of progress on the unpacking yet. There is a hard deadline that forces you to pack fast, but there is no real hard deadline when you're unpacking, and it's so unpleasant that it's really worth putting off as long as possible. Except of course that it's hard to find your stuff.

This sounds like something I would have made up

Swiss accidentally invade Lichtenstein (AP via Yahoo News)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I do not want to stay home and do the U word tonight.

New location

I am now living in beautiful sunny San Diego.  It's been raining since I got here!

More to come...

Monday, February 12, 2007

In San Diego...

Just took possession of my new residence in San Diego last weekend.
Will be going through a few weeks of moving and general chaos, I
suppose. So far everything seems to be working out nicely though.
There are always surprises.

I will be back up in the Bay Area later this week.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

redchilimerchandise has no inventory

We are relocating the store, so the inventory is offline for a couple of weeks.

I will post another update about the store when everything is available again. Please come back and visit again! And buy lots of things!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A nice cloudy day on Mars

Check out this interesting article in Astrobiology Magazine for some interesting cloud photos.

How money works

How money works. Also how to exploit the world. In German.

(Fake) Steve quote of the day

"Yeah yeah, whatever, look, don't you have to fly over to Freedonia and give out some vaccines or something?"

Fake Steve says it's not a good idea to install Vista quite yet.


The X/HTML5 proposal discourages the use of XML on the web? I've been using it for years. Talk about a step backwards.

Anyway this is an interesting review of the two proposed standards, by Vlad Alexander.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Huh what

11AM The Customer Is Always Right

Old guy: Small fish and chips.
Italian vendor: The fish aren't ready -- 10 minutes.
Old guy: What? I'm very deaf.
Italian vendor: The fish aren't ready -- 10 minutes!
Old guy: What? I can't hear you.
Italian vendor: No fish! Have a look here [points to other menu items].
Old guy: I can't see so well. Just get me a fish and chips.
Italian vendor: No fish!
Old guy: Why are you talking to me?! I can't hear well! Just get me a fish.
Italian vendor: No fish!
Old guy: Are you stupid? I'm deaf and nearly blind, just get me a fish and chips! God, you'd think you didn't have any fish!

Edinburgh, Scotland
United Kingdom

via Overheard in the Office, Feb 1, 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Efficiency Paradox

Did you know that a jet is about as fuel-efficient as a car? Find out why increased energy efficiency doesn't have the effect you think it does in this article from Forbes Magazine.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Safety reminder

Extensive Freezing and Food Safety guidelines from the USDA, very helpful.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

Would you have guessed how to fix this?

A broken oven... not only a broken oven, but a broken design. I have a lot of devices like this. They seem to proliferate.

(Matthew Paul Thomas)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I told you so

I'm not necessarily a big Colbert fan, but he's right on here.

Friday, January 19, 2007

I voted for him in 1988

Texas Congressman Ron Paul files for GOP presidential bid

06:29 PM CST on Thursday, January 11, 2007

Associated Press

HOUSTON – Ron Paul, the iconoclastic nine-term congressman from southeast Texas, took the first step Thursday toward launching a second presidential bid in 2008, this time as a Republican.

Paul filed incorporation papers in Texas on Thursday to create a presidential exploratory committee that allows him and his supporters to collect money on behalf of his bid. This will be Paul's second try for the White House; he was the Libertarian nominee for president in 1988.

(more from The Dallas Morning News)


Sorry, my mind was wandering. Does this happen to you?

Scientists have discovered what happens in the brain when the mind wanders. Until recently, little has been known about the neural mechanisms that give the mind its ability to daydream.

But now psychologists and neuroscientists in Aberdeen and America have revealed that a collection of areas in the brain termed the default network, supports what is known as mind wandering.

(more at

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I have the Space Madness

This is the best episode of Ren and Stimpy ever made.

MORE: Sigh, I hate it when content disappears on the Internet after you link to it. Now you'll have to guess what I meant.

Friday, January 12, 2007


"To the meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, we present the German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery." - Prince Bernhard von Bulow

Monday, January 08, 2007

Seven Slash

Slash 7s? Got your number!

Not all 7s are created equal. Some -- as the fledgling 2007 will no doubt remind us -- have a little something extra. Yes, we're talking about the slash, the cross stroke that some people swipe through the torso of their handwritten 7s.
The slash can say a lot about where you've been and where you'd like to go, about who you are, who you'd like to be and how well you'd like to be understood.

(more... Albany Times-Union)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Someone has a tuna vendetta

Fire Reported at Chicken of the Sea Offices

Fire investigators suspect an arsonist began a fire around 7 p.m. Jan. 2 on the fifth floor of a Sorrento Valley office building, in the offices of Chicken of the Sea International.

A similar fire broke out in October.

(San Diego Business Journal)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy new year!

Big things coming in 2007.