Friday, September 28, 2007

This means war

Brain-eating amoeba kills six in U.S. lakes
PHOENIX - It sounds like science fiction but it's true: A killer amoeba living in lakes enters the body through the nose and attacks the brain where it feeds until you die.

Take a minute to not destroy the world

I'm a couple of days late on this one (was out of town in the Bay Area the last couple of days).

9/26 is Petrov Day. On 9/26/1983, Stanislav Yavgrafovich Petrov kept the world as we know it from being destroyed. A story that many people are not familiar with and it's worth reading.

Do people still read any of these?

Good overview of America's major newspapers.


A good analysis of the current credit mess, at MSN money.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Ron Paul File

I added a link on the right side to The Ron Paul File, a clearinghouse for all the information available about the man, as far as I can tell. Check it out.

Don't see so much of this in America

It's things like this that make us love Japan.
Since the credit crisis started shaking the world financial markets this summer, many professional traders have taken big losses. Another, less likely group of investors has, too: middle-class Japanese homemakers who moonlight as amateur currency speculators.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

He's rolling over in his grave...

... probably saying "Let me out! I'm not dead!!" Scott McNealy, according to John Gruber.

Once he gets out he's going to be angry that Sun is going to be shipping Windows systems.

Things we are not hearing a lot about II

Here's another story that's not getting a lot of airtime -- what can only be described as terrorist attacks in Mexico against industrial targets. You would think this would get more coverage not only because Mexico's business is our business, but there are significant implications to the economy from this.

Things we are not hearing a lot about I

Other things from Ynetnews -- this story appeared today but is getting scant coverage in the US press, at least so far. Report: Israel spots nuclear installations in Syria. Note that North Korea issued an angry condemnation of Israel's action.

The Six Day War

This description of the Six Day War (from Israel's point of view, at least) is good reading. Many analogies with today -- in fact, nothing really changes.