Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More predictions

This is for 2009. I have cut out all of the text that included the rationale for these. That's to keep you guessing.

- Either a new country will be created somewhere in the world in 2009, or a country will disappear.

- The GDP of the US will be lower in 3Q2009 than it was in 4Q2008. It will be higher in 3Q2009 than it was in 2Q2009. (I would like to use the 4Q2009 numbers but I am assuming they will be unavailable at the time I evaluate these at the end of next year, so I have to work with what I expect to have, which will probably just be sleazy estimates of 3Q2009 that will be "revised" later, as always.)

I have a few personal predictions that I won't talk about here because you can't measure whether I am successful on them against any objective standard -- they are issues or people that I don't talk about here. So let's see, of the things I talk about -- I am not even sure that I'm going to successfully buy a house (my real estate agent is reading this right now and groaning at that, I assure you), the car thing I'm not sure of, I don't want anything to change about my job (hi employer!). I'm going to go with:

- I am going to put up an additional new web site in 2009.

- The Western Syndicate site will still be going same as ever at the end of 2009.

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