Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Land O Links

Gathered a lot of links today and thought I would do them all at once.

Kibo sends along this latest "research" project from Microsoft.  I can't figure out what they're thinking, but maybe you can.  Ask it about something popular, say,

JCP sends along why flag burning is fun.  When I read this, I originally went off on a tangent about Bram's reply, and starting thinking about whether we should reestablish the Federalist party.  Then I thought a bit harder and realized that a) I'm actually a bit more of an anti-Federalist myself, and b) I'm not sure that he thinks Federalist means what it actually means.

Neighbors discover 4-foot shark while on daily desert walk.

Here is something for you to think about if you believe as I do that education in America is beyond saving.  John Taylor Gatto is an advocate of radical education reform and a former New York "teacher of the year".  Here is a collection of his articles include a link to his web site.

Here is the latest bit of saber rattling from Israel.  As saber rattling goes, I have to admit this one is pretty good.

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