Sunday, May 31, 2009

Interesting race discrimination case

Pappas v. Giuliani -- the dissent of Judge Sotomayor is the interesting part.

So the reverse-discrimination claim is one of the very few cases where she stood out from the other judges. It's notable that that was a case that turned on free speech rights — and the speech in question was speech Sotomayor presumably disgrees with vehemently...

More fail

I liked this knife trick. Watch closely.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Anyone remember Kelo?

Good to recall this one once in a while. I bet we hear more about this in the hearings.

Sotomayor and eminent domain (Washington Examiner)

Monday, May 25, 2009

I support this excellent idea

It is time to legalize counterfeiting.

(It's scary that the author had to clarify, "this is satire".)

[More: I liked this from the comments:
I'm going to sneak into Mexico and mow lawns for a while. When the exchange rate hits 1:1, I'll come back and convert all my pesos to dollars. If I time it right, the dollar may go back up someday.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Proposition fail

(really getting into the "fail" meme this week)

California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures (Bloomberg, via Yahoo)

There is a lesson in here for legislators who are drafting ballot propositions:
California voters rejected a package of budget-balancing measures that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said were needed to keep a $15 billion deficit from widening to $21 billion. A proposal to limit lawmaker pay passed.

They had to suspect that this combination of issues, broken up into this combination of propositions, would give the people a chance to do nothing but deny them a pay raise.

Oh yeah, look who shows up to add her two cents' worth:
“The fact is, right now, Californians do not trust Sacramento or the political process by which the budget is crafted, and they cannot afford higher taxes,” Meg Whitman, the former EBay Inc. chief executive officer who plans to run for California governor, said in a statement.

Meg, the tax buster.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


You've probably noticed that once I started feeding Facebook and Twitter more, I was putting content over there instead of here.

I actually prefer to put the content here though. I need to think about that some more.

I shouldn't spend too much time thinking. Thinking doesn't make content show up here unless I actually write something.


You're supposed to tell me I'm being lazy and not updating my blog.

I would like to hear more from my thousands of readers and minions.

Anyway, if you really want to look at my stream of consciousness, you can look at that Twitter feed which is currently located over on the right side. But that's kind of scary.